Product Catalog

Missing Acetamid Bouillon (ACEDAMIDE BROTH)

Details Request
1104 baird parker agar bpa xebios Baird-Parker-Agar (BPA)

For the isolation and differentiation of Staphylococcus aureus

Details Request
Bpls Brilliantgrün-Phenolrot-Agar n. Edel-Kampelmacher (BPLS)

A selective medium for the isolation of Salmonella from foods.

Details Request
Dsc 3772 tsa web Caseinpepton-Sojamehlpepton-Agar harm. EP/USP/JP (TSA)
Recommended by the Harmonised European Pharmacopoeia

Nutrient-rich universal growth medium for the microbiological examination of non-sterile products

Details Request
Tsab Caseinpepton-Sojamehlpepton-Agar mit 5% Schafblut (TSAB)

Details Request
1531 abklatschplatte caseinpepton sojamehlpepton agar mit enthemmer tsa lth xebios Caseinpepton-Sojamehlpepton-Agar mit LTH (TSA-LTH)

For testing non-sterile products.

Details Request
1531 caseinpepton sojamehlpepton agar mit enthemmer tsa lth xebios Caseinpepton-Sojamehlpepton-Agar mit LTH (TSA-LTH)
Recommended by the Harmonised European Pharmacopoeia, supplemented with Lecithin, Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) and L-Histidine

Nutrient-rich universal growth medium for the microbiological examination of non-sterile products with inactivators

Details Request
Tsb Caseinpepton-Sojamehlpepton-Bouillon (TSB)

Universal Nutrient Medium for the cultivation of bacteria, yeasts and fungi.

Details Request
Cca ChroMedium Coliforme (CCA)
According to ISO 9308-1:2012

Chromogenic Agar is for the detection and enumeration of total Coliforms and Escherichia Coli in water and food samples

Details Request
Cba Columbia-Blutagar (CBA)

Used for the cultivation of fastidious microorganisms and for determining their haemolysis

Details Request
71 1128 dev n%c3%a4hragar xebios diagnostics DEV Nähragar (DEV)
The medium corresponds to the requirements DIN 38411 as well as to § 64 LFGB.

Nutrient Agar is used for the detection, isolation and enumeration of bacteria from food and water.

Details Request
Xebios diagnostics abbildung in k%c3%bcrze n%c3%a4hrmedien DEV Nähragar (DEV)
According to DIN 38411 § 64 LFGB.

For the enumeration of total bacteria in water according to DIN 38411 § 64 LFGB.

Details Request
Dev DEV Nähragar (DEV)
According to DIN 38411

For the detection, isolation and enumeration of bacteria from food and water

Details Request
71 1128 dev n%c3%a4hragar xebios diagnostics DEV Nähragar (DEV)
According to DIN 38411 § 64 LFGB.

For the detection, isolation and enumeration of bacteria from food and water.

Details Request
Xebios diagnostics abbildung in k%c3%bcrze n%c3%a4hrmedien DG18-Agar mit Chloramphenicol (DG18)
According to ISO 21527-2

For the isolation and cultivation of xerophilic fungi.

Details Request
1038 dg18 agar mit chloramphenicol dg18 xebios 2 DG18-Agar mit Chloramphenicol (DG18)
According to ISO 21527-2

For isolation and enumeration of xerophilic moulds.

Details Request
Dsc 3833 endo web Endo-Agar (Lactose-Fuchsin-Sulfit-Agar) (ENDO)

Moderately selective differential medium for the isolation and differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae.

Details Request
40 1132 enterokokken selektiv agar nach slanetz und bartley esb xebios diagnostics Enterokokken-Selektiv-Agar nach Slanetz-Bartley (ESB)
According to ISO 7899-2:2000

Slanetz and Bartley Selective Agar for the isolation and identification of Enterococci in water.

Details Request
Dsc 3777 g%c3%84a web Galle-Äsculin-Azid-Agar (GÄA)

Allows the selective isolation, determination and enumeration Enterococci species in water and other study materials.

Details Request
Pep Gepuffertes Peptonwasser (PEP)

For enrichment of Salmonella from milk and dairy products and other microorganisms from other foods and from environmental samples.

Details Request
Missing Gepuffertes Peptonwasser (PEP)

Zur Voranreicherung von Salmonellen aus Milch und Milchprodukten sowie anderer Mikroorganismen aus anderen Lebensmitteln und aus Umweltproben.

Details Request
71 1290 hefeextrakt agar yea xebios Hefeextrakt-Agar (YEA)
According to DIN EN ISO 6222:1999

For the detection, isolation and enumeration of bacteria cultivated in water and waste water samples.

Details Request
Xebios diagnostics abbildung in k%c3%bcrze n%c3%a4hrmedien Hefeextrakt-Agar (YEA)
According to DIN EN ISO 6222:1999

For the detection, isolation and enumeration of bacteria cultivated in water and waste water samples.

Details Request
1144 hefeextrakt glucose chloramphenicol agar ygc xebios Hefeextrakt-Glucose-Chloramph.-Agar (YGC-Agar) (YGC)

For the detection and enumeration of yeasts and moulds in foodstuffs.

Details Request
75 1530 inaktivatorl%c3%b6sung hia xebios Inaktivatorlösung (HIA)

Inactivating solution for test samples with possible inhibitory effect of microbiological growth

Details Request
Kba King’s B-Agar (KBA)
According to Drinking Water Regulations 2002 and DIN EN 12780

For the detection and enumeration of fluorescent Pseudomonas bacteria in water.

Details Request
1148 kristallviolett neutralrot galle glucose agar vrbd iso xebios Kristallviolett-Neutralrot-Galle-Gluc.-A. VRBD-ISO (VRBD-ISO)
According to ISO 21528

For the detection and enumeration of bile-tolerant gram negative bacteria.

Details Request
Vrbd Kristallviolett-Neutralrot-Galle-Glucose-Agar VRBD (VRBD)
Recommended by the Harmonised European Pharmacopoeia

For the detection and enumeration of bile-tolerant gram negative bacteria.

Details Request
Lttc Lactose-TTC-Agar mit Tergitol-7 (LTTC)

Is a selective and differential medium suitable for the isolation, enumeration and identification of Coliform bacteria in food and water samples.

Details Request
Bcye Legionella-BCYE-Agar (mit Cystein) (BCYE+CYS)
According to ISO 11731

Details Request
Bcye Legionella-BCYE-Agar NEN (BCYE NEN)

Nährmedium zur Isolierung von Legionellen aus nicht sterilen Proben mit geringer Begleitflora.

Details Request
Bcye Legionella-BCYE+AB-Agar (BCYE+AB)

BCYE+AB für Proben mit einer hohen Konzentration an Legionellen

Details Request
Missing Legionella-BCYE+AB-Agar (BCYE+AB)
According to ISO 11731

For the detection, isolation and enumeration of Legionella from water samples and clinical material.

Details Request
Missing Legionella-GVPC-Selektivagar (GVPC)

Zur Isolierung von Legionellen aus Wasserproben und aus klinischem Material.

Details Request
Gvpc1 Legionella-GVPC-Selektivagar (GVPC)
According to ISO 11731

For the detection, isolation and enumeration of Legionella from water samples and clinical material.

Details Request
Bcye Legionella-MWY-Agar (MWY NEN)

Zur Isolierung von Legionellen aus Wasserproben und aus klinischem Material.

Details Request
Missing Legionellen-Säurepuffer (HCl-KCl-Puffer; PH 2,2) (SPL)

Details Request
Xebios diagnostics abbildung in k%c3%bcrze n%c3%a4hrmedien Legionellen-Säurepuffer (HCl-KCl-Puffer; PH 2,2) (SPL)
According to DIN EN ISO 11731-2:2008-06

To reduce of the accompanying non-target microbial flora during Membrane Filtration of water samples for the isolation of Legionella species.

Details Request
1288 m cp agar mcp xebios diagnostics m-CP-Agar (MCP)
According to ISO 6461-2:1986

For the detection and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens in water

Details Request
1157 magnesiumchlorid malachitgr%c3%bcn bouillon nach rappaport und vassiliadis rvm xebios Magnesiumchlorid-Malachitgrün-Bouillon (RV-Med.) (RVM)

For the selective isaoltion and cultivation of Salmonella in foodstuffs and other materials.

Details Request
Msa Mannit-Kochsalz-Agar nach harm. EP/USP/JP (MSA)

Test for Staphylococcus aureus.

Details Request
Xebios diagnostics abbildung in k%c3%bcrze n%c3%a4hrmedien Nähragar III (NAIII)

For further biochemical or serological identification of suspect bacteria

Details Request
Ntv Nähragar nach TrinkwV und § 64 LFGB (NTV)
Equivalent to the Drinking Water Regulation and §64 LFGB (formerly § 35 LMBG) and the DIN EN ISO 12780

For the isoation and cultivation of fastidious microorganisms.

Details Request
Npp Natriumchlorid-Pepton-Pufferlösung (NPP)

Dilution buffer for samples for the microbiological analysis of contaminants.

Details Request
Pcn Pseudomonas-CN-Agar (PCN)
According to ISO 16266

For the cultivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Details Request
Xebios diagnostics abbildung in k%c3%bcrze n%c3%a4hrmedien R2A-Agar (R2A)

For testing water for injections.

Details Request
1262 rappaport vassiliadis salmonella anreicherungsbouillon rvs xebios Rappaport-Vassiliadis-Salm.-Anr.bouillon (RVS) (RVS)

For the selective enrichment of Salmonella.

Details Request
Ril Ringerlösung (RIL)

For the isolation and cultivation of susceptible bacteria.

Details Request
1532 sabouraud dextrose agar mit enthemmer sab lth xebios Sabouraud-Dextrose-Agar mit LTH (SAB-LTH)
Recommended by the Harmonised European Pharmacopoeia, supplemented with Lecithin, Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) and L-Histidine

Sabouraud-Dextrose-Agar is a universal nutrient medium used for the cultivation, enumeration of moulds, yeasts and dermatophytes.

Details Request
Sab Sabouraud-Dextrose-Agar nach harm. EP/USP/JP (SAB)

Universal Nutrient medium for the cultivation and enumeration of moulds and yeasts and dematophytes.

Details Request
Missing Sartorius Microsart e.motion Dispenser;16713----PS (SAR-DISP)

Microsart™ e.motion Dispenser – Membrane Filter On Demand.

Details Request
Missing Sartorius Microsart e.motion MF; 11406Z-50----SCM (SAR-50-W)
Sartorius Nr. 11406Z-50-SCM; 100 Pieces per Pack

Microsart® e.motion Membrane Filter for the colony counting, particle count and microscopy.

Details Request
Missing Sartorius Microsart e.motion MF; 13006Z-50----SCM (SAR-50-S)
Sartorius Nr. 13006Z-50-SCM; 100 Pieces per Pack

Microsart® e.motion Membrane Filter for the colony counting, particle count and microscopy.

Details Request
Sifin logo Sifin Saure Phosphatase Reagenz; TN1519 (Sifin - TN 1519)

Das Saure Phosphatase Reagenz dient nach ISO 14189 zum Nachweis der sauren Phosphatase aus Clostridium perfringens .

Details Request
Xebios diagnostics abbildung in k%c3%bcrze n%c3%a4hrmedien Streptokokken-Selektivagar (SESA)

For isolation of Streptococci species and Enterococci species

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Aspergillus brasiliensis (NCPF 2275/ATCC 16404)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Campylobacter jejuni (NCTC 11322 / ATCC® 29428)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Candida albicans (NCPF 3255/ATCC 2091)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Citrobacter freundii (NCTC 9750)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Clostridium perfringens (WDCM 00007)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Enterobacter aerogenes (NCTC 10006/ATCC 13048)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Enterococcus faecalis (WDCM 00087)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Enterococcus faecalis (WDCM 00009)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Escherichia coli (WDCM 00012)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Escherichia coli (WDCM 00013)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Legionella pneumophila SG1 (WDCM 00107)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Pseudomonas aeruginosa (WDCM 00026)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Pseudomonas aeruginosa (WDCM 00025)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Selectrol 04 TCS Selectrol discs - Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (NCTC 10716/ATCC 9763)
Selectrol®-Disks - TCS Biosciences

Disks zum Gebrauch in mikrobiologischen Laboratorien für die Kontrolle von Testverfahren

Details Request
Xebios diagnostics abbildung in k%c3%bcrze n%c3%a4hrmedien Tetrathionat-Bouillon nach Muller-Kauffmann (MKTT)

For the selective isolation and cultivation of Salmonella in meat, meat products and other foodstuffs.

Details Request
Tge Trypton-Glucose-Hefeextrakt-Agar, Plate-Count-Agar (TGE)

The inhibitor-free nutrient medium enables the growth of bacteria and yeasts.

Details Request
Tsc Tryptose-Sulfit-Cycloserin-Agar (TSC-Agar) (TSC)

Medium for presumptive identification and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens and other sulfite-reducing Clostridia

Details Request
Xebios diagnostics abbildung in k%c3%bcrze n%c3%a4hrmedien Würze-Agar (WÜA)

Details Request
Dsc 3877 xld web XLD-Agar nach harm. EP/USP/JP (XLD)
Complies with Harmonised European Pharmacopoeia

Selective medium for the isolation and differentiation of Gram Negative enteric pathogens, especially Salmonella and Shigella.

Details Request