Gepuffertes Peptonwasser (PEP)

Shorthand symbol: PEP
Item number: 60-1137
Format: Tube, 9ml
Colour: Clear, yellowish coloured
Storage conditions: Dry, in closed bag, at 15-22°C
Shelf-life: 6 Months
pH: 7.0 ± 0.2 bei 25°C
Intented use and fields of application

For enrichment of Salmonella from milk and dairy products and other microorganisms from other foods and from environmental samples.

Typical composition in g/l

in g per 1 Litre of Nutrient medium
Casein Peptone10
Sodium Chloride5
Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate3.5
Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate1.5

Microbiological quality control

The Microbiological Performance Test is carried out in accordance with the requirements of DIN EN ISO 11133.


Incubation conditions: 18 ± 2 Hours at 36 ± 2 °C; Inoculum Concentration: 80 – 120 CFU

OrganismType StrainSpecificationColony morphology
Escherichia coliATCC 8739/WDCM 00012Very cloudy, turbid-
Salmonella enterica serovar EnteritidisATCC 13076/WDCM 00030Very cloudy, turbid-

Incubation conditions: 45–60 Minutes at 22.5± 22,5 °C; Inoculum Concentration: 80-120 CFU

OrganismType StrainSpecificationColony morphology
Staphylococcus aureusATCC 25923/WDCM 00034--
Listeria monocytogenesATCC 13932/WDCM 00021--

Microbial Contamination
Incubation conditions: 5–7 Days at 20–25°C and 5–7 Days at 30–35°C

No microbial contamination

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