Sabouraud-Dextrose-Agar nach harm. EP/USP/JP (SAB)

Shorthand symbol: SAB
Item number: 40-1264
Format: Petri Dish, 90mm
Colour: Yellowish
Storage conditions: Dry, in closed bag at 15 - 22°C
Shelf-life: 5 Months
pH: 5.6 ± 0.2 at 25°C
Intented use and fields of application

Universal Nutrient medium for the cultivation and enumeration of moulds and yeasts and dematophytes. Sabouraud Dextrose Agar contains 4% dextrose, which promotes the growth of these microorganisms. The low pH promotes spore and pigment formation of yeast and fungi, and inhibits the growth of bacteria. It therefore is a selective culture.

This Nutrient medium complies with the requirements of the methods of the EP/USP/JP. The use of Sabouraud Dextrose Agar medium according to the EP/USP/JP is recommended for the full analysis of Candida albicans in non-sterile pharmaceutical products.

Typical composition in g/l

in g per 1 litre Nutrient medium
Pancreatic-digest of Casein Peptone5.0
Pancreatic-digest of Beef Extract Peptone5.0
*Adjusted as required to meet performance standards

Microbiological quality control

The Microbiological Performance Test is carried out in accordance with the requirements BS EN ISO 11133:2014 and Pharm. Eur. (Microbiological Examination of non-sterile products acording to Chapter 2.6.13).

Incubation conditions: 2–3 days at 30–35°C; Inoculum concentration: 10–100 CFU

OrganismType StrainSpecificationColony morphology
Candida albicansATCC 10231/WDCM 0005450–200 %Whitish, dry colonies
Aspergillus brasiliensisATCC 16404/WDCM 0005350–200 %Brown, black conidia on mycelium
Candida albicans
(3–5 days, 20–25°C)
ATCC 10231/WDCM 0005450–200 %Whitish, dry colonies
Aspergillus brasiliensis
(3 – 5 days, 20 – 25 °C)
ATCC 16404/WDCM 0005350–200 %Brown, black conidia on mycelium

Microbial Contamination
Incubation conditions: 5–7 days at 20–25°C and 5–7 days at 30–35°C

No microbial contamination

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