Legionellen-Säurepuffer (HCl-KCl-Puffer; PH 2,2) (SPL)

According to DIN EN ISO 11731-2:2008-06

Shorthand symbol: SPL
Item number: 73-1500
Format: 1.000ml-Bottle with 900ml nutrient medium
Colour: Colourless
Storage conditions: Dry, in closed bag, at 15-22°C
Shelf-life: 6 Months
pH: 2.2 ± 0.2
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Intented use and fields of application

Acid Buffer to reduce of the accompanying non-target microbial flora during Membrane Filtration of water samples for the isolation of Legionella species.

Typical composition in g/l

in g per 1 litre nutrient medium

Microbiological quality control

Physical Chemistry Properties

TestSet ValueTestSet Value
ColourColourlessFill Quality900 + 40/-20 ml
ClarityClearpH Value2.2 ± 0.2

The lot meets the requirements of the specification in accordance with ISO 11731:2004

Documents Productinformation Safty information